Discover a range of luxury paper bags at Century Box MAINETTI’s online shops, available in various styles and formats. Among them, the classic Noblesse paper bag stands out, offered in both generic and customizable formats. Made from 100% kraft or coated paper, these bags are highly durable, offering reusable options for your customers. Explore our wide range of accessories and finishing options to create the perfect paper bag. Opting for paper bags reflects our commitment to environmentally responsible packaging, providing durable alternatives that are easy to recycle.


Description : Noblesse luxury paper bags, available in kraft or coated paper, offer optimal strength thanks to their double-reinforced edges and sturdy bottom.
Handles : Rope or ribbon, available as a choice.
Materials : Available in a wide range of materials.
Printing : Offset, embossing, hologram, varnish, etc.
Options : Matte or glossy lamination, full customization or no printing.
Minimum order : 1,000 units for a custom model, or 50 units with or without printing.

Noblesse paper bags are the ideal solution for the luxury, fashion, and cosmetics industries, offering both elegant design, great durability, and environmental respect. They ensure premium, sustainable, and eco-friendly packaging.



Explore Century Box MAINETTI tailored packaging experience for personalized solutions reflecting your brand identity. Contact us to discuss your needs and create unique packaging with Mainetti.


Century Box MAINETTI provides a comprehensive selection of generic products with guaranteed quality, ensuring satisfaction with international delivery services.


Century Box MAINETTI offers customised products with guaranteed quality and international delivery, providing a broad selection to meet diverse needs effectively.